1. Services provided

1.1 FX Paranormal and other event collaborators Shall endeavour to supply the services on the booked date as advertised

1.2 FX Paranormal and other event collaborators Shall provide the services with reasonable skill and care

2. Booking fees, deposits and remaining balances

2.1. Places can be reserved on most FX Paranormal events via payment of the required deposit fee. Deposits can vary in value per the event and details of deposits fees can be found on each individual event page. All deposit fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Deposit fees alone do not confirm a customer’s place on an event, they are merely holding fees that reserve the place(s) for you until your final balance is paid in full.


2.2. Remaining balances must strictly be paid 28 days prior to the event, unless otherwise stated on the event page. Failure to pay on time will result in places being cancelled without any refund being offered.


2.3. Full payment of the booking fee must be received 28 days prior to any event taking place, unless otherwise agreed in writing by FX Paranormal.


2.4. Places will only be fully confirmed on receipt of full and final payment of the required total booking fee, either via payment of a remaining balance or full outright purchase.


2.5. Non-payment by the set dedline will enable FX Paranormal to list all places back on resale. Once resold places cannot be re-claimed.


2.5. It is a customers own responsibility to ensure that all balance fees are paid 28 days prior to an event. 

3. Cancellations or Amendments to bookings

3.1. If the customer cancels their booking at any stage later than 28 days prior to the event for whatever reason, can no longer make that date, fails to turn up on the event, or leaves early, then the entire booking fee or deposit is to be retained by FX Paranormal and is non-transferable. This applies to direct bookings via our website or through Facebook, email or in person.

a 50% refund is possible before this with up to 60 days prior to the event. 

3.2. If the customer reduces the number of persons attending the event, then the corresponding booking fees will be retained and cannot be credited after 28 days prior to the event. 

a 50% refund is possible before this with up to 60 days prior to the event. 


3.3. All booking fees are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable after 28 days prior to the event unless where an event is cancelled/postponed by us. 

a 50% refund is possible before this with up to 60 days prior to the event. 


3.4. When making your ghost hunt booking, you need to do so in full confidence that you can attend the booked date. Cannot offer a refund or event transfer if you cancel or are no longer able to attend (for any reason) with less than 28 days prior to the event. A 50% refund before this after 60 days prior.


FX Paranormal pays for all of its locations in advance of you attending, and is still liable for these costs even if you cancel. FX Paranormal cannot claim refunds back from a venue should you no longer be able to attend your booked date. FX Paranormal would be liable for these costs a second time again when offering a replacement date, and cannot commit to pay these costs again on your behalf. A customer would need to make a second full-priced booking for the alternative date to cover the additional costs.


All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable regardless of reason for not being able to attend with less than 28 days prior to the event and 50% between 60 and 28 days.

In order to maintain the successful running of our scheduled events for the benefit of all others, FX Paranormal has to stand by this policy for and in all situations.   


3.5. If you wish to cancel an event we ask that you do so in a written email or message via social media please as soon as possible. 

3.6. FX Paranormal cannot and does not resell any fully paid places on your behalf if you are no longer able to attend unless later than 28 days prior to the event. 


3.7. If a fully paid for place is cancelled, the place(s) booked remain yours even if not attending. You may resell or gift your fully paid for place(s) yourself, but only if the new attendee meets all requirements of minimum age and pregnancy restrictions, also checking that the venue is suitable for any disability needs they may have. 


3.8. The main booker agrees to inform FX Paranormal by written email of the replacement name(s) for our guest list prior to attending the event. Those who are not on the guest list may be refused entry. 


3.9.1 Any place(s) transferred to a third party by you will still be covered by our terms and conditions. Whomever the place(s) are passed on to will also take on your acceptance of our terms and conditions. FX Paranormal cannot accept any liability for third party transactions made between third parties and cannot enter discussion or seek to resolve any issues between third parties.

4. Liability & indemnity

4.1. FX Paranormal will compensate the customer for any loss or damage they may suffer if we fail to carry out duties imposed on us by law unless the failure is attributable to:


4.1.1. Customer’s own fault and/or failure to follow instructions and safety guidance given. 


4.1.2. Third party unconnected with the provision of services under this contract, including the owners of the venues; or


4.1.3. Events which FX Paranormal could not have foreseen even if it had taken all reasonable care.

5. Age limits and mobility

5.1. Due to restrictions on most venues and as a restriction imposed by our insurance, the minimum age for all participants is 18 years old. those aged 16+ may attend when under the supervision of a parent or guardian. Our teams are not trained in working with minors and our events take place in an adult environment. Children working closely with strangers in dark environments will not be permitted on a FX Paranormal event. ID may be requested upon entry at the venue if any customer is suspected (by any member of the FX Paranormal or collaborating Teams) to be under age. Failure to provide proof of ID or customers found to be under age will be removed without any refund offered.


5.2. Wheelchair users and people with serious mobility issues should contact FX Paranormal prior to booking to check if a venue is suitable

6. Drugs, Alcohol and dangerous weapons

6.1. FX Paranormal reserves the right to remove any customer who arrives at an event and is suspected (by any member of the team) to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or solvents, or is suspected of bringing alcohol, drugs, solvents, or dangerous weapons to the event.


6.2. Breathalysers may be used on entry to a venue if a customer is suspected, by any member of the team, to be under the influence of alcohol. Failure to cooperate will result in the customer being removed from the event.


6.3. Any customer removed from the event as a result of clause 6.1 and 6.2 will not be entitled to a refund. The police may be contacted should any illegal offenses be committed whilst on a FX Paranormal Event, and personal details will be handed over.  

7. Pregnant women

7.1. Due to restrictions imposed by most venues, pregnant women are not allowed to attend a FX Paranormal Event

8. Smoking, vaping and fire hazards

8.1. FX Paranormal will permit smoking and vaping at events only in specified outdoor areas, as agreed by the owners of the venue, which will be made clear to all customers at the start of the event. The correct disposal of spent cigarette ends must be followed at all times.   Only at times specified during initial briefing and at no other time.


8.2. Candles and other potential fire hazards (as deemed so by FX Paranormal ) are prohibited from use during events. Any customer found in possession of said items will be removed from the event without any refund offered.


8.3. No personal devices that require mains power may be connected or plugged into a wall socket without prior consent of a venue representative. This includes, but is not limited to mobile phone chargers, laptops, or electronic ghost hunting equipment.  

9. Behaviour


9.1. FX Paranormal has a zero-tolerance policy for any disruptive behaviour on our events. Out of fairness to all others attending the event, any customer found to be being disruptive during the evening or unpleasant towards other customers and staff, they will be removed from the event.


9.2. Any customer found causing harm, injury or damage to any other person, animal property or contents at a venue will be removed from the event.


9.3. Any customer found to be purposefully faking paranormal activity, such as but not limited to throwing objects, and tapping on surfaces will be removed from the event. 


9.4. Any customer removed from the event as a result of clause 9.1, 9.2, or 9.3 will not be entitled to a refund.


9.5. Any areas of a venue not made available to FX Paranormal will be made clear to all customers at the beginning of the event. Any customers found to be knowingly trespassing in said areas will be removed from the event immediately, with no refund offered.  

10. Personal belongings

10.1. All luggage, clothing, equipment, vehicles and personal effects belonging to the customer are their own responsibility. FX Paranormal accepts no responsibility for the safe custody of Customer’s property, or for its loss, damage or theft, however caused.


10.2. Property as referred to in clause 10.1 also includes any ghost hunting equipment brought to the event by the Customer.


10.3. FX Paranormal do not hold lost property or remove it from the ghost hunt location. If found our team will hand the property to the venue representative/owner on discovery. The venue should be your point of contact directly when seeking lost property

11. Photography and filming

11.1. Due to restrictions imposed by some venues, photography or filming may not always be permitted on events. The customer will be informed at the start of any event where said activities are restricted by the venue.


11.2. Any customer found to be taking part in restricted activities as in clause 11.1 may be removed from the event without any refund being offered.


11.3. During events, we may often be filming and taking photographs for promotional purposes. By booking onto and attending our events you, the customer agrees to the use of this footage for our promotional purposes. Any images or footage that you take on an event will remain the property of FX Paranormal 

12. Equipment on events

12.1. Ghost hunting equipment, provided on events for customers use by FX Paranormal and other team collaboratora, becomes the sole responsibility of the customer when they are handling it. Any loss that any team suffers as a result of lost, damaged or defective ghost hunting equipment, arising as a result of a customer’s reckless actions will be recovered from the customer. The customer is liable for any item of ghost hunting equipment entrusted to them during the event.


12.2. We permit attendees to bring along their own battery operated hand-held ghost hunting equipment should they have this. But FX Paranormal should be able to inspect this equipment for safety and maintains the right to refuse the use of certain pieces of equipment. Any decision made is final. No equipment that require an electricity supply (either to operate with or to be charged up on location) may be brought along. Any attendee using own equipment that the hosts have asked you not to use will result in you being asked to leave the event without any refund.  


Please ensure all own equipment is marked to avoid any confusion about ownership (especially K2 meters)  

13. Discount codes and promotions


13.1. Discount codes are issued from time to time for promotional purposes. Each code will have its own terms and conditions associated with it and should only be used as advertised by FX Paranormal. Any bookings made using an invalid discount code will be cancelled and immediately refunded 


13.2. FX Paranormal maintains the right to amend ticket prices for an event from time to time for promotional purposes. These promotions are only for new customers booking onto the event and does not entitle anyone who has paid full price to receive a partial refund. It is sometime necessary on rare occasions to reduce ticket fees to ensure an event breaks even thus avoiding a cancellation of the event.

14. Cancellation, changes to and postponement of events by us

14.1. Where an event is cancelled in full by us, we will refund the customer with any monies paid to date.


14.2. Where the event is cancelled, postponed, moved or re-scheduled outside of our control, FX Paranormal will try to find you an alternative date or venue. refunds or credit note will be offered if these dates are not suitable.


14.3. Any expenses, including but not limited to insurance taken, travel and accommodation incurred as a result of the cancelled or postponed event will not be covered. These costs are incurred at the bookers own choice. FX Paranormal advises that hotel rooms be booked under a flexible rate to protect yourself from Hotel cancellation charges.


14.4. Any part of an event due to take place wholly or partially in the open air/outside could be affected by adverse or unsuitable weather conditions on the date of the event. In such cases FX Paranormal reserves the right to;


14.4.1. Relocate the event to an area which is considered more suitable; or


14.4.2. Cancel any part of the event entirely. The customer will be informed as soon as possible.


14.5. FX Paranormal will not be liable for changes to the planned event due to restrictions placed on us by the owners of the venue, including without limitation any restrictions on accessing parts of the venue. This includes venues asking guests to sign waivers to access areas for their own protection. 


14.6. Minimum Capacity


14.6.1. FX Paranormal reserves the right to cancel/postpone any event which has not reached the minimum capacity. The minimum level is deemed by FX Paranormal on an event by event basis.


14.6.2. Where the event is cancelled in full, the customer will receive a full refund of any monies paid to date by FX Paranormal.


14.6.3. Where the event is postponed by FX Paranormal, a new date will be arranged, and the customer notified as soon as possible. If the new date is unsuitable, the customer will receive a full refund of any monies paid for that event to date. Excludes any third party expenses (see clause 14.3) 

15. Force Majeure

15.1. Neither party shall be liable for any breach of its obligations resulting from circumstances beyond its reasonable control. for such situations such as government restrictions (including any agency or political subdivision thereof), court orders, unforeseen venue closedowns or venue owners failure to open a venue, fire, acts of war or terrorism, electrical power surges, failures in public supplies e.g. water, electricity, flood, epidemics, inclement weather, tornadoes, hurricanes, storms, and other natural disasters or acts of God, This list is non exhaustive covering all causes beyond FX Paranormals control.    


15.2. Each of the parties agrees to give notice immediately to the other upon becoming aware of an event of force majeure, such notice to contain details of the circumstances giving rise to it.


15.3. If an event is temporarily impossible to perform, performance may be suspended for the duration of the force majeure event until a later viable date. transfers and credit notes are offered. Refunds are not offered in this instance as neither you the guest, or FX Paranormal is liable to lose out financially for a temporary force Majeure event. 


15.4. If there is a permanent impossibility to perform the booked event with an outright cancellation, the agreement to honour your event may be retroactively cancelled, meaning that both yourself and FX Paranormal are put back into the position before agreement to these terms and conditions. This will include refunds of sums paid in consideration of services that cannot be provided at a later date, or products that cannot be delivered

16. Accommodation


16.1. There are no sleeping facilities at the venues unless otherwise stated on the event pages as a sleepover event. The event as advertised will clearly indicate when accommodation is included in the cost.


16.2. Where sleeping on location is available, as advertised as a sleepover. FX Paranormal cannot guarantee that a bed or bedding is available at the location. It is up to each guest to provide themselves with sleeping bags and air mattresses or similar.


16.3. FX Paranormal does not allocate sleeping areas on ghost hunt sleepovers, and we cannot meet reservation requests at any point.

17. Our staff and consultants


17.1. Our Staff, trainees and consultants are all professional in conduct, however, any and all statements made by our team are the sole opinion of the individual and in no way reflect the opinions or policies, stated or otherwise, of FX Paranormal.


17.2. No perceived predictions, opinions, information or comments made by our staff or mediums should be interpreted as factual. You, the customer is responsible for making your own decisions and it is understood that when our staff or mediums suggest something to you, it is only an opinion, and should NOT be interpreted as the only course of action.

18. Entertainment

18.1. You agree that any and all services provided by FX Paranormal are for entertainment purposes only. Though we aim to give the customer the most genuine experience, we cannot and will not guarantee the behavior of the unknown. Furthermore, we cannot make any guarantees about the validity/truth behind your experiences on the night. However, FX Paranormal endeavors to provide a well organised event with a scientific and spiritual outlook, conducted under carefully controlled conditions. FX Paranormal and it’s staff will never fake paranormal activity, nor encourage or tolerate any guests to be found doing the same

19. Indemnity

19.1. The customer agrees to indemnify FX Paranormal against all liability in respect of costs, claims, damages, demands, penalties, actions, proceedings, suits, losses or expenses in respect of or arising out of the injury to or the death of any person, or damage to any property arising from the Customer’s own neglect.

20. Acceptance


20.1. All event bookings made through FX Paranormal  constitutes your acceptance of the above Terms and Conditions in full.


20.2. FX Paranormal is not liable for any customer’s presumptions or own interpretations against what is stated upon the website.


20.3. These terms of contract cannot be varied in any way by the parties to this agreement unless expressly agreed in writing with FX Paranormal